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Can co-breastfeeding my first child and my newborn affect colostrum production?

No, co-breastfeeding does not deprive the newborn of the benefits of colostrum as long as it is in demand. The presence of another nursing baby...

Are there any risks for my child if I breastfeed during pregnancy?

No. However, since the production of breast milk is reduced during pregnancy, a breastfed child may need to be supplemented with breast milk, adapted...

How to ensure an adequate omega-3 intake during pregnancy?

Health Canada, the World Health Organization and the Montreal Diet Dispensary prefer a food approach to address omega-3 needs. In addition, the Dispensary recommends...

How to choose an omega-3 supplement?

Before choosing an omega-3 supplement, it is advisable to read the points below. In case of doubt or to verify whether an omega-3 supplement...

Do all pregnant women need an omega-3 supplement?

No. An omega-3 supplement is not recommended for all pregnant women. A full evaluation by a nutritionist of the diet and risk factors in...

How to choose an infant formula?

Health Canada’s recommendation for non-breastfed infants is taking a commercial preparation of iron-enriched cow's milk until the age of 9 to 12 months. Several...

Your breastfed baby has a diagnosis of dairy allergy. What can you do?

A mother whose baby has received a diagnosis of allergy to dairy products can continue breastfeeding as long as she removes all food that...

At what age should a premature baby begin to eat complementary foods?

It is recommended to introduce foods when the child shows all signs that they are ready, whether they are born at or before full...

What to do following a diagnosis of lactose intolerance in a child?

Liquid lactase can be found at the counter in pharmacies; simply add a few drops to breast milk or whole cow's milk to obtain...

How to choose fish that is healthy and good for the planet?

It may seem complicated to make a wise choice that can both minimize environmental impact and that brings all the nutritional benefits of fish....

Does avoiding allergens during pregnancy prevent the development of allergies in the baby?

No. Avoiding allergens for pregnant women does not reduce the development of food allergies in the child, whether or not they are at risk...

Should fish be avoided during pregnancy because of its contaminants?

No. Fish is an excellent source of omega-3, which is essential to the proper development of the baby. Although some fish contain significant amounts...

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