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What foods to favor during Ramadan and pregnancy?

Favor a varied and balanced diet that will provide energy throughout the day to meet the nutritional needs of the mother and fetus. MORNING (SUHOOR) The...

Should pregnant women fast for Ramadan?

Maybe, it depends on the pregnant woman's health status. The decision to fast during pregnancy is a personal one. It is mentioned in the Qur'an...

Is fasting for Ramadan dangerous for pregnant women and their babies?

It is possible to observe Ramadan safely depending on the mother's health. If there are risks of complications during pregnancy, anemia or gestational diabetes,...

What are the differences between prenatal multivitamins such as PregVit® and MaternaTM?

PregVit® was designed to maximize iron absorption and reduce nausea often associated with taking a prenatal supplement. Pregvit® and MaternaTM are the two best-selling...

How to relieve nausea during pregnancy?

Practical tips can be applied to calm nausea during pregnancy. These tips apply to diet as well as lifestyle. Nausea during pregnancy is a common...

Can there be side effects associated with prenatal multivitamins?

Yes. The most common side effects associated with taking prenatal multivitamins are nausea and constipation. It is important not to stop taking the multivitamin,...

What prenatal and postnatal supplements can be found on the market?

There are more and more multivitamins made or sold for pregnancy (generally covers the periods from preconception to postpartum). Materna â„¢ (Centrum â„¢) is...

How to prevent or relieve constipation during pregnancy?

Increasing the intake of fiber and water, doing more physical activity and adopting a bowel routine can help prevent or relieve constipation. Constipation is a...

How to increase iron absorption?

Several strategies can be adopted: take the supplement with a source of vitamin C or a source of heme iron, avoid foods known to...

How to eat well if breastfeeding during pregnancy?

It is important to have a balanced, varied diet that includes sufficient energy, protein, healthy fats and vitamins and minerals for the mother, fetus...

Can I breastfeed during pregnancy?

Yes, it is possible to breastfeed a child during pregnancy if the mother is healthy and not at risk of preterm delivery.   The risks of...

What are the risks and discomforts associated with breastfeeding during pregnancy?

Breastfeeding during pregnancy can present risks of contractions, premature birth and low birth weight. Some discomfort may also occur including nausea, fatigue and sore...

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