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Does the diet of the mother affect the quality of breast milk?

Yes, the mother's diet influences the content of certain nutrients in her milk. The type of fat found in milk depends on the food intake...

What are the factors that can affect the production of breast milk?

Lack of breast stimulation, as well as several other physiological factors can cause a drop in breast milk production. The suction is an important stimulus...

What are the factors that affect lactation?

Childbirth complications as well as stress or certain medication can cause a delayed lactation. Other factors that may affect lactation have also been identified. Lactation...

How do I know if I should consult a lactation specialist?

In certain situations, the mother should see a lactation consultant. Pain in the breast or other discomfort in the area, as well as concern...

What seafood can be eaten safely during pregnancy?

Seafood that is cooked and low in mercury, such as crab, lobster or shrimp can be eaten once a week. Other low mercury seafood includes...

How to prevent food poisoning during pregnancy?

To avoid food poisoning, the pregnant woman must ensure that everything she eats is free of pathogens. To do so, it is important to...

What can cause food poisoning?

Different bacteria are harmful during pregnancy and can cause food poisoning, including E. coli and salmonella. Some foods should be avoided to prevent the...

Can we cut/crush prenatal vitamins if the mother cannot swallow it?

Yes. For pregnant women who have difficulty swallowing tablets, just take a prenatal supplement that has been halved or crushed. To facilitate the ingestion of...

Is there any pork gelatin in prenatal vitamins? How is it indicated?

Yes and no. Most prenatal vitamin and mineral supplements on the market contain gelatin, although sometimes it is not specified in the list of...

Are cow milk substitutes as nutritious as milk itself?

Milk substitutes are lower in fat and in certain nutrients than cow's milk. For the child who must consume substitutes of dairy products, it...

What milk substitute to give to young children allergic to cow’s milk protein?

After the age of 12 months, it is possible to start offering milk substitutes such as soy milk, if the milk protein allergy is...

What to monitor when a pregnant woman observes Ramadan?

A mother who decides to observe Ramadan should be alert to signs of dehydration, poor weight gain and health problems, and needs to pay...

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