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How do I avoid becoming ill when traveling while pregnant?

Avoid eating at buffets, whenever possible. If not, choose foods which are cooked immediately in front of you.If you have a choice, opt for...

When are babies ready to eat solid foods?

Babies should be close to 6 months old before the introduction of solid foods and show signs of interest and readiness. According to Health Canada,...

Is it recommended to voluntarily lose weight during breastfeeding?

Yes and no. Aside from the normal weight loss that occurs following childbirth, it is not recommended to intentionally lose weight in the first...

I breastfeed and I’m planning on having a few glasses of wine tonight. How should I go about it?

Pump your milk before your first glass of wine. This way, you have it on hand in case your baby needs to feed during...

I breastfeed. How does it affect my baby if I have a few glasses of wine every now and then?

First of all, breast milk can flow more slowly, thereby reducing the amount of milk consumed by the infant. Additionally, the quality of the...

I breastfeed. Can I drink alcohol?

Yes, but only in small, limited amounts. Following alcohol intake, wait at least two hours before breastfeeding your infant. In fact, no safe level of...

I’m vegetarian and I breastfeed exclusively. Is there a risk for my baby?

If you are vegan: Yes.  If you are vegetarian: Maybe. Vitamin B12 is found in animal foods such as fish, meat, milk and eggs.  B12...

Are there risks to being on a vegetarian or vegan diet while pregnant?

There are usually no risks for vegetarians. On the other hand, vegans are at higher risk of developing multiple nutritional deficiencies during pregnancy. Vegan diets...

I don’t eat fish. How can I be certain I eat enough omega-3 during my pregnancy?

It will be necessary to include other omega-3 rich foods in your diet, such as algae, eggs and omega-3 enriched beverages.  Certain oils and...

What is vegetarianism? What are the different types of vegetarianism?

Vegetarianism is a diet based primarily or exclusively on plants.  Depending on the type, it includes or excludes certain animal products. There are many reasons...

I’m pregnant and I do not eat meat or fish; Am I at risk of vitamin B12 deficiency?

Yes and no. If you are vegetarian and drink little or no milk, yes. If you are vegan: definitely, yes. Lacto-ovo-vegetarians may very well meet their vitamin...

Can I offer cow’s milk to my baby starting at six months?

No. It is recommended to wait until babies are at least 9 (to 12) months old before introducing cow's milk. Before this age, iron-rich foods...

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