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How quickly can I introduce new foods when my baby begins to eat?

There are two approaches to introducing foods: the traditional and flexible method. With the exception of food allergens, complementary foods can generally be introduced freely, without the need to wait...

Should allergens be introduced later than other complementary foods?

No. Introducing the main food allergens into the baby’s diet can be done at the same time as all other foods, even if the baby seems more...

Why is it important for pregnant women to take a prenatal multivitamin?

Vitamin and mineral requirements are increased during pregnancy to support fetal growth. Prenatal multivitamins are a safe way to help meet these elevated needs. Prenatal...

Is a mother’s infection or virus a risk factor for low birth weight or prematurity? Are there any other medical conditions that can cause...

Yes, for certain infections and viruses. We estimate that one third of all premature births are caused by infections. Among those studied are malaria, syphilis, gonorrhea,...

What behaviors can be adopted during pregnancy to decrease risk factors for low birth weight and premature labor?

Adopting a healthy lifestyle that includes a balanced and varied diet, some physical activity, and the prevention and/or control of certain medical conditions can...

Is tobacco use a risk factor for low birth weight or premature birth? Are there other modifiable risk factors ?

Yes. Tobacco use is the most important modifiable risk factor associated to prematurity and low birth weight. It is established that maternal tobacco use as...

What is the impact of malnutrition on breastfeeding?

Although few studies have examined the impact of malnutrition on breastfeeding, it seems that the quality and quantity of breast milk may be affected...

Can I take dairy products along with my prenatal multivitamin?

Yes. There used to be a recommendation of waiting two hours before taking a multivitamin after consuming dairy product to promote better absorption of...

During pregnancy, does cannabis consumption carry a risk for the baby?

Yes. The consumption of cannabis (marijuana) during pregnancy has risks for the foetus, even in small quantities. Cannabis use should be avoided before, during and...

What can help a pregnant woman sleep better?

Staying in a comfortable position, using pillows, elevating the head to sleep, learning to manage stress and doing physical activity are ways to help...

Are there any risks to introducing complementary foods after 6 months of age?

Complementary foods should be introduced into the diet around the age of 6 months. A late introduction (after 6 months of age) can negatively affect the baby’s growth...

Does introducing complementary foods prior to 4 months old pose risks to infants?

Early introduction (before 4 months old) can be harmful to the baby’s health. Complementary foods should be introduced into the diet only when the...

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