The 2017 Annual General Assembly and Board of Directors election

Updated on: Aucune révision

The Dispensary held its 137th general assembly with members of its corporation on June 20th, under the themes of consolidating its efforts and actions in line with its mission and approach in social nutrition, developing its outreach, renewing its sources of funding and electing its board of directors.

Surrounded by members of the board of directors, staff, corporation members and a few representatives from partner organisations, the president and the executive director delivered a positive assessment of the Dispensary’s second year into its ambitious 2015-2018 action plan.

_DSC7509To learn more, we invite you to consult our 2016-2017 report to the community.

As for the election of the Board of Directors for the 2017-2018 period, all candidates were elected by acclamation. Jean-Marc Demers took over the presidency of the board of directors, succeeding Marie-Christine Lemerise, who left the presidency after two years of loyal service.

“I bring with me the aim for perfection and growth, with the mission of supporting the Dispensary team to help even more mothers in need, under conditions and with tools that are optimal. In a context where public funds are increasingly limited, I intend to mobilize administrators around funding issues. We will try to create even more bridges to the Montreal business community, and we will work even harder to make the Dispensary better known to the people of Québec and decision-makers of the nation, to make them aware of the importance of its action for the benefit of society and to encourage them to contribute to its development in harmony with the needs of families living in difficulty.”, explains Mr. Demers.

Here is the 2017-2018 Board of Directors along with their respective responsibilities:

Executive committee

Jean-Marc Demers, president, Ms.  Isabelle Bonneau, vice-president, Ms. Pierrette Poézévara, treasurer and Dr. Jean-Marie Moutquin MD, secretary.


Ms. Solange Blanchard, Ms. Astrid Bicamumpaka Shema, Ms. Annie Bouthillette, Ms. Zeina Khalifé, Ms. Annie Langlois, Me. Francine Martel et Ms. Mélanie Sirois (as of July 6th 2017)

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In collaboration with the Dispensary workers

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